Recipe by Claire-Ellen Rankin, Cardington, Ohio
First place and Best of Show, Preserved Fruits and Vegetables (Fruits), 2019
Baking temperature: boiling water bath
Baking time: 35 minutes for pints
Yield: Varies
- ½ bushel of paste-style red ripe tomatoes (Roma or Amish paste)
- ½ tsp salt per pint of juice (or 1 tsp per quart)
- ¼ tsp citric acid per pint of juice (or ½ tsp per quart)
- Using ripe, juicy red tomatoes, wash them and cut into pieces.
- Simmer until soft.
- Put through Squeez-O Strainer.
- Return juice to saucepot and heat to just boiling.
- Pour carefully into sterilized jars, add ½ teaspoon of salt and ¼ tsp citric acid per pint of juice, and wipe rims. Adjust sterilized lids and bands. Process in a boiling water bath canner for 35 minutes for pints.