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Livestock Competitions

Livestock animal ownership dates

The deadline to enter livestock exhibitions is 1 p.m. on June 21, 2025, with the exception of the Junior Horse Show, which closes at 1 p.m. on July 1, 2025. Entries open May 15.

In order to be more consistent with statewide livestock exhibition ownership rules, the Ohio State Fair has listed animal ownership dates below:

Market animals -

  • Market beef – January 1
  • Market swine – May 23
  • Market lambs – May 23
  • Market goats – May 1
  • Dairy feeders – June 1
  • Market rabbits – June 1
  • Market poultry – within 5 days of hatch

Breeding animals -

  • Breeding Beef – May 22
  • Breeding Swine – May 22
  • Breeding Sheep – May 22
  • Breeding Goats – May 16
  • Breeding Poultry – May 31
  • Breeding rabbits – May 31
  • Dairy Cattle (ownership means date of record) – May 22

See the full livestock schedule here.

Livestock Competition Information

Online entry helpful hints

  1. All entries must be submitted online.
  2. Please allow time to complete the entry process, as the system will shut down at 12:59 p.m. on Saturday, June 21. Entries will be locked automatically at 1 p.m.
  3. Late entry fees will be charged ($75.00) beginning June 21 and late entries will vary based on department. Late entries must be emailed to Barb Prince, Entry Department (b.prince@expo.ohio.gov). Upon receipt of the email the entry department will make contact to secure credit card information. Please reference the late entry document to see if you can make late entries into the division you are wanting to enter. No late entry for junior animals (breeding or market).
  4. While date of birth is required for all entries, all junior livestock exhibitors must provide their date of birth. Open entries just need to enter any date.
  5. Junior 4-H exhibitors must list the county in which the project is registered (in some cases, this is not the same as the county in which you live). You must list your county educator or extension agent as the contact to verify your entry, NOT your 4-H advisor.
  6. Junior FFA exhibitors must list the county in which the project is registered (in some cases, this is not the same as the county in which you live). You must list your FFA teacher/instructor as the contact to verify your entry.
  7. All exhibitors, junior and open, are asked for shirt size when entering. Junior exhibitor shirt sizing is used for the swag stop shirt you will receive after check-in at the Ohio State Fair. Open exhibitors pick N/A.
  8. Reminder – If you receive premiums of $499 and over, the State of Ohio requires you to register as a "new supplier" at https://ohiopays.ohio.gov/. This MUST be done before any payment will be processed. Please be aware you will be asked for banking information, as your payment will be direct deposit. You may use either a checking or savings account. If you have won $499 or more in the past, and have already set up a supplier account, you do not need to register again. However, you are responsible for making any address or name changes, by going to https://ohiopays.ohio.gov/ and updating any necessary information. If you need assistance with the online registration process, please view this tutorial or call the "help desk" at 1-877-644-6771.


Boer Goats


Dairy Cattle

Dairy Goats

Horse Show

Junior 4-H Horse Division
The deadline to enter the junior horse show is July 1 at 1 p.m.
  • Exhibitor Letter will be posted in June.



Pygmy Goats




Exhibitor Information and Supplemental Forms

In-Person & Virtual Ohio Youth Skillathons

Open to any Ohio youth, age 8 and in the 3rd grade, or 9 years old and older regardless of grade level, to age 18, this is a separate virtual event to allow broader participation. You do not have to exhibit a particular species to participate in that species Skillathon. Virtual Skillathon participation does not qualify a youth participant for outstanding market exhibitor awards. Proctored Virtual Skillathon at the Ohio Expo Center will qualify for the Outstanding Breeding Exhibitor awards.

Golf Cart Permits

Golf cart permits will NOT be sold on-site at the Ohio State Fair in 2025.
Please read the updated Ohio State Fair Golf Cart Permit Rules and Regulations prior to purchasing a permit.
COMING SOON: 2025 Ohio State Fair Golf Cart Documentation Form

Competition Results

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