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Sauerkraut-Stuffed Bell Peppers

Recipe by Margaret Santelmann, Seville, Ohio
First place and Best of Show, Preserved Fruits and Vegetables (Vegetables), 2017

Baking temperature: n/a
Baking time: n/a
Yield: Five pint jars


  • 1 qt. sauerkraut (batch below makes 12 quarts.)
    • 30 lbs. of cabbage
    • 10 T pickling/canning salt
    • Water (as needed)
  • 2 lbs. of small bell peppers
  • 4 c vinegar
  • 4 c water
  • 2 c sugar
  • ¼ c pickling/canning salt


  • For 12 qt. of Sauerkraut (only one qt. needed for this recipe):
    • Shred cabbage. In a 5 gal. food grade bucket, add shredded cabbage in layers with 1 T of salt, tamp down layer until bucket is full. A brine will form and begin to fill the bucket. Add water to bring brine level over cabbage
    • Seal, and place in a cool location for 6 to 8 weeks
    • This 5 gal. Sauerkraut recipe yields approx. 12 quarts (pressure-canned at 10 psi for 15 minutes)
  • Add vinegar, water, sugar and salt to a large pot. Bring to boil and simmer until mixture is needed
  • Rinse and heat 1 qt. of sauerkraut
  • Clean and remove stem/top of peppers. Fill peppers with sauerkraut (tightly pack)
  • Water bath method – clean and sterilize pint jars in boiling water
  • Pack the hot, sterilized pint jars with the stuffed peppers – pack tightly
  • Fill jars with vinegar mixture
  • Process for 20 minutes using the water bath method
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