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Pam’s Barbecue Sauce

Recipe by Pam Scott, City of Groveport, Ohio
First place, Sauces (BBQ Sauce (Not Honey), 2017

Baking temperature: n/a
Baking time: n/a
Yield: 1½ quarts


  • 32 oz. ketchup
  • ½ c tarragon vinegar
  • 1 c sugar
  • 2 T Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 t chili powder
  • ¼ t onion powder
  • ½ t garlic salt

(To make recipe gluten-free, use rice vinegar and Heinz ketchup)


  • Put all ingredients in a large pan. Bring it to a boil. Simmer for 2 to 2 ½ hours. Refrigerate and use as needed

I usually quadruple the recipe x3 and simmer 3 pans on the stove. I then process it in a pressure canner

  • In a medium size pan, place bands and lids covered completely with water and bring to a boil, simmering for 10 minutes
  • Wash the jars (I use an assortment of sizes) in the dis washer. Add BBQ sauce to each hot jar. (I didn’t dip the jars into a pan of hot water, but will do this in the future.)
  • Fill each jar with the BBQ sauce, leaving ½ inch space at the top of the jar
  • With a clean, wet wash cloth, wipe the rim and sides of the jar. I repeat this step 2-3 times
  • Put the lids and bands on the top of the jar and secure them snugly
  • Using a pressure canner, put 2-3 inches of warm water in the bottom of the canner
  • Add the jars to the canner, process them at 11 pounds of pressure for 25 minutes
  • Add a dish towel to the top of a cutting board
  • Place the jars on the cutting board
  • Listen for the “pop” and look for the lid indentation. Enjoy!
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