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Ginger Nectarine Salsa

Recipe by Stacy Hall Worthington, Franklin Co | First place, 3305, Class No. 3

Yield of recipe: 7 pints


  • 6 c paste tomatoes
  • 2.5 c diced yellow onions
  • 2 c mixed red, yellow, green "mini" bell peppers
  • 10 c chopped hard nectarines
  • 2 c chopped tart apple
  • 4 T pickling spice in cheesecloth bag
  • 1 T kosher sea salt
  • 1.5 T crushed red pepper
  • 3.25 c light brown sugar
  • 1 c reconstituted lime juice
  • 1.25 c apple cider vinegar
  • 4 T diced fresh ginger


  1. Peel and chop tomatoes, chop onions and slice peppers into rings
  2. Combine chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers in a 8 qt saucepot
  3. Peel and halve nectarines; peel, core and quarter apples; soak in acidulated water for 10 mins
  4. Chop nectarines and apples; add to saucepot with pickling bag
  5. Stir in salt, red pepper, brown sugar, ginger, vinegar, and lime juice
  6. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 30 mins, stirring occassionally
  7. Hot pack into pint jars, leaving .5" headspace; remove bubbles, wipe rims
  8. Apply 2-piece metal canning lids
  9. Process in boiling water canner for minimum of 15 mins
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