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Pickled Beets

Recipe by Claire-Ellen Rankin, Cardington, Ohio
First place and Best of Show, Pickles & Relishes (Pickled Beets), 2017

Baking temperature: Water bath
Baking time: 30
Yield: varies


  • 4 quarts of beets, similar in size
  • ½ t salt per pint

Pickling juice:

  • 2 c cider vinegar
  • 1 c water
  • 2 ½ c sugar
  • 1 t mixed pickling spice wrapped in a cheesecloth bag and tied shut


  • Cut off tops of beets leaving 1” of stem. Leave on root. Wash beets thoroughly
  • Cover with boiling water in large kettle and boil until skins slip off easily
  • Skin and trim and cut beets into cubes or slices
  • Pack hot beets into sterilized jars and cover with the pickling juice to within ½ in or jar top
  • Add ½ t salt to each pint
  • Wipe rims of jars. Prepare lids (sterilize) and screw bands. Tighten metal bands
  • Process for 30 minutes in boiling water bath canner. After jars cool, check seals. Store jars in a cool, dry place for up to one year
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