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Lattice – Cherry Pie

Recipe by Cheryl Bater, Dublin, Ohio
First place and Best of Show, Baked Pies (Cherry) 2017

Baking temperature: 400, 375 degrees
Baking time: 15 minutes, 45-55 minutes
Yield: One 10-inch pie



  • 6 ½ c sour cherries
  • 1 c sugar
  • 1 t lemon juice
  • ½ t lemon zest
  • ¼ t salt
  • 6 ½ T clear gel


  • 2 ½ c flour
  • ½ c unsalted butter
  • ½ c Leaf lard
  • ¾ t salt
  • 6 T water
  • 1 T vodka
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 Egg white to brush on bottom and top crust
  • Sanding sugar to sprinkle on top of crust



  • Combine all ingredients. Mix well
  • Brush bottom of pie shell with egg white
  • Scrape filling into pie shell
  • Top with lattice crust
  • Brush lattice lightly with egg white then sprinkle with sanding sugar
  • Cover crust with pie shield
  • Bake at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to 375 and bake for 45-55 minutes until golden brown and bubbling
  • Cool on wire rack
  • Combine flour, sugar, salt in large chilled mixing bowl
  • With pastry blender, cut butter and lard into dry ingredients until pieces are pea-sized or slightly smaller
  • In small bowl, whisk egg yolk, vodka and ice water
  • Add egg-water mixture to dry ingredients tossing with a pastry fork to blend
  • Form into two dough discs- 2/3 dough and 1/3 dough
  • Wrap in wax paper and chill in refrigerator for 1 hour

To prepare pie shell:

  • On floured surface, roll out larger disc of dough into 10-inch circle
  • Transfer dough to pie pan, trim edges and chill
  • Roll out 1/3 portion disc into rectangle.
  • Cut ½” lattice strips. Freeze ten minutes
  • To form lattice, starting in center of pie, lay strip of pastry across pie
  • Lay next strip over the first at a 90 degree angle
  • Continue alternating strips in this fashion weaving in an over/under pattern
  • Moisten the edge of the shell, seal the lattice and make decorative edge
  • With pastry brush, lightly brush egg white on tip crust. Sprinkle with white sanding sugar
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