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Recipe by Georgia Bishop, Upper Arlington, Ohio
First place, Candies (Caramels), 2017

Baking temperature: n/a
Baking time: n/a
Yield: 2 dozen


  • 1 c butter
  • 2 ½ c brown sugar, packed
  • 1 c light corn syrup
  • 1 14oz. can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 t vanilla
  • Dash sea salt


  • Line a 9 x 13” pan with parchment paper and spray with baking spray
  • Use a large microwave safe bowl for this recipe. Make sure to use a large bowl or the caramel will boil over
  • Melt butter in bowl. Add brown sugar, corn syrup and sweetened condensed milk. Stir to combine
  • Microwave 4 minutes. Remove from microwave and stir. Repeat 2 more times
  • Test firmness of caramel by dropping a small ball of caramel into a glass of water. Check to see how soft the caramel is. It should hold together in a ball and be pretty soft. Determine if the caramel is the consistency you would like. If caramel is a little too soft still, microwave for another 1-2 minutes
  • Once you’ve reached desired consistency, remove caramel from microwave and stir. Add vanilla and a dash of sea salt
  • Pour caramel mixture into prepared pan
  • Let caramel sit until completely cooled
  • Remove from pan and cut into squares. Wrap in small squares of wax paper or store in an air tight container
  • Store in refrigerator
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