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Deep-Fried Candy Bar

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4-Ingredient Deep-Fried Candy Bar


  • 1 package refrigerated jumbo biscuit dough
  • 16 mini candy bars of your choice*
  • Cooking oil, such as vegetable or canola
  • Powdered sugar

*This recipe works well with other sweet fillings – such as a scoop of cookie dough, an Oreo, a buckeye, etc. Try placing a different filling in each piece of dough to make an assortment of deep-fried treats. The instructions are the same regardless of what item is inside the biscuit dough.


  • Heat oil in a small pan over low to medium heat. Oil temperature should reach approximately 350 degrees.
  • While oil is warming, remove biscuits from canister.
  • Flatten each biscuit and cut it in half. You will now have 16 pieces of dough.
  • Place a mini candy bar on top of each flattened biscuit portion. Wrap the biscuit dough around the candy bar. Pinch the dough to seal well.
  • Using tongs or a spoon, gently add dough-wrapped candy bars to hot oil. Fry each one until golden brown, being sure to brown all sides, approximately 2-3 minutes. Bubbles should appear around the edges of the dough.
  • Carefully remove from hot oil, placing each candy bar on a rack or plate lined with a paper towel.
  • Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Enjoy!
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